‘I hesitate not to pronounce, that every man who is his own lawyer, has a fool for a client’ – an unknown lawyer, early 19th century.
And, although patent attorneys (in Australia, at least) are mostly not also lawyers, we are, quite rightly, generally regarded as providers of specialist legal services. One consequence of this is that there are people out there who wish to avoid paying our fees, and have a go at representing themselves before the Patent Office, and even in the Federal Court.
One such person is Mr Svetko Lisica, who recently lost his appeal against the rejection of his patent application no. 2012200955, somewhat grandly entitled ‘Universal Intonation System For Music, The Absolute and The Beyond’: Lisica v Commissioner of Patents [2014] FCA 433.
Sadly, Mr Lisica had taken it upon himself to prepare and file his own provisional patent application (no. 2011903465), an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (no. PCT/AU2011/000257), and the Australian patent application which eventually became the subject of the Federal Court appeal.
I say ‘sadly’ because, although Mr Lisica avoided payment of any patent attorney fees, I estimate that the process he has been through has cost him at least A$8500-A$9000 in Patent Office and Court fees. This does not take into account any incidental expenses he may have had, or the value of his time, energy and stress in taking on the system. And he has nothing of any value to show for this exhausting experience.
To make matters worse, it seems possible that Mr Lisica might have had something potentially patentable. While it is difficult to discern from his various patent specifications, which are largely couched in theoretical terms more arcane than those employed by most lawyers and patent attorneys, there are indications that his musical theories may have practical application in the form of new instruments and computer software for assisting in the creation of musical compositions. There is, however, no sufficiently clear disclosure of any such practical, and potentially patentable, applications of the theoretical concepts.
What Was the Invention?
As most readers will be aware, the scope of a patent – the boundaries of the invention that must be new and inventive in order for the patent to be valid, and the range of activities that will infringe – is defined by the claims. On an earlier occasion, I published an analysis of one of the claims in the famous CSIRO ‘Wi-Fi’ patent. If you are unfamiliar with the typical form and interpretation of patent claims, you may wish to look at that article for an example of how the professionals do it!Claim 1 of the Lisica patent specification, as considered by the court, reads as follows:
An auscultative method that expounds upon the Natural Harmonics Series (NHS) and Mr Svetko Lisica’s Scientific Theory for Music’s decipherability and attunement, from the Invention’s Programmatic Specificity in a soniferous or visual realm for a new, useful, innovative and original Composition Engine and via its computations, providing the compositional harmonic materials that are put in the states of being manifested by the Invention’s unprecedented and original Musical Instrument and Sonic Biodynamical Brain Entrainment Bridge for Binaural Beats, into a stable unit of measure in exactitude for a tuning medium, herewith this Invention is the state or fact of existence, a practical Universal Intonation System that belongs with Music, The Absolute and The Beyond.
Now, it may well be that Mr Lisica knows exactly what he means by this, but I cannot say that I can make much sense of it. The Patent Office hearing officer did his very best, stating that:
After reading the entire specification a few times, it appears to me that the heart of the invention lies in some kind of transformation of the partials, harmonics and frequencies in the natural harmonic series or scale to produce musical notes that when played will sound better.
In court, Mr Lisica had the following to say about this summary:
Theoretically it’s good. I believe that there is a transformation, not of the partial harmonics and frequencies. The Natural Harmonic Series, how I’ve applied my scientific theory and how I’ve applied my scientific theory in a manner that’s in an industrial manner as being part of – the transformation occurs as being part of my auscultative method. ... These pitch partials from the Natural Harmonic Series, they don’t exist in the original harmonic series. There might be a few to begin with but the way I unravel the Natural Harmonic Series – none of them are present. They’re not in the original Natural Harmonic Series. So what I’m saying is I’m using the Natural Harmonic Series to base my scientific theory on and then expand upon its DNA.
I have to say that I do not find this especially enlightening, although I clearly lack Mr Lisica’s deep understanding of the subject matter. Unfortunately, therein lies the problem.
The Need to Describe and Define the Invention
The patent examiner, and the hearing officer, found that the Lisica application was not directed to patent-eligible subject matter (i.e. to a ‘manner of manufacture’ under Australian law). However, the judge was not willing to draw a similar conclusion, noting (at paragraphs [8] and [9] of the judgment) that:What is significant at this stage is that the applicant did not support his case in court by any expert evidence, such as might have, for example, explained the area of the useful arts to which this invention would make a contribution and assisted the court in understanding the language of the specification, and importantly, of the claims.
The claims are, of course, critical to the exercise in which the court is now involved. It is here that the applicant encounters what is, for a court operating without the assistance of expert evidence, a fundamental difficulty. In my view, Claim 1, set out above, is not clear and succinct, as required by s 40(3) of the Patents Act. As a statement marking out the area of the public monopoly which the applicant seeks, the claim falls well short of the standard of clarity required.
The judge went on to say (at [11]):
For my own part, because of the lack of clarity in the claims, I have been unable to understand enough about the invention to sustain the positive conclusion that it is not a manner of manufacture. I would prefer to base my conclusion in the present appeal upon the applicant’s failure to cross the bar set up by s 40(3), rather than upon manner of manufacture or any of the other grounds advanced on behalf of the Commissioner.
A claimed invention need not be comprehensible to an unassisted judge – or, indeed, to a patent attorney with minimal grounding in the relevant technical field. However, it must be possible for a non-inventive person with a normal level of training and skill in the field to understand the invention and, importantly, to be able to determine the boundary surrounding those things that cannot be done without infringing the claims.
Failure to define this boundary clearly is fatal to the claims. The absence of any sufficiently clarifying explanation within the body of the specification, which might enable the claims to be amended to meet the required standard, is fatal to the entire application. Any exclusive right in what has been disclosed to the public through the patent specification, the provisional specification, and the specification of the PCT application (all of which differ in various respects) is now lost to the inventor forever. This material has, in effect, now been dedicated to the public.
Why Is It All So Hard?
Nobody specifically set out to make the patent laws complex and arcane. But it was inevitable that this would happen. A patent grants to its owner an exclusive right, for a period of up to 20 years, to exploit an invention. Competitors, and others, are barred from infringing upon this right without authorisation, under threat of legal action.In exchange for this privilege, a few things are required of the patent applicant, including:
- to describe the invention fully, such that a person of ordinary skill in the relevant field of endeavour is able to understand it and, should they wish to, put it into effect; and
- to define the scope of the monopoly clearly, and as concisely as possible, such that others are able to identify the acts falling within the zone of exclusivity claimed by the applicant.
Only if these requirements are satisfied, and the true scope of the claimed invention properly understood, is it possible to assess whether or not the subject matter of the invention is new and inventive, and eligible for patent protection.
Because a patent confers a monopoly-type right, none of these matters can be left to chance, or to the whim of a particular individual. Naturally, therefore, over the centuries that patent systems have been evolving various rules, practices and principles have been developed to assist in the objective assessment of inventions and associated claims. These are to be found in legislation, in statutory rules and regulations, in the decisions made by patent offices, and in the judgments of courts. And they continue to evolve.
Conclusion – Do You Need a Patent Attorney to Get a Patent?
While the system is imperfect (as all human constructs inevitably are), it is a vast improvement over the days when heads of state granted monopolies at their pleasure to their most favoured subjects! Although we may never eliminate subjectivity entirely from such evaluations as whether a claimed advance is ‘inventive’ or ‘obvious’, or exactly how a particular word or phrase should be interpreted, I have no doubt that the process is more objective now than it has ever been in the past.One consequence of all of this, however, is that trying to prepare a patent application, steer it through examination, and defend it before a Patent Office or a court, is not a task for amateurs. You would not try to fly a plane solo without many hours of training and practice, and most of us would like to think that the pilots of sophisticated passenger jets have thousands of hours of flight experience.
So, yes – if you want to obtain a patent that is worth more than the paper it is printed on, you probably need a patent attorney!
But there is no need to take my word for it. Here is what the Honourable Justice Jessup had to say in relation to the predicament in which Mr Lisica found himself:
…the delegate observed that “the lack of professional assistance in drafting the specification and claims and in providing meaningful submissions has not helped the applicant”. I agree, and would reiterate the delegate’s comment in the context of the present appeal. From the submissions which the applicant made in court, the prospect that he has invented something of practical use which would satisfy the requirements of the Patents Act could not be dismissed as far fetched. However, in a complex and unusual area of human endeavour, the applicant has placed himself at a considerable disadvantage by attempting to achieve registration without assistance of the kind referred to by the delegate.
Before You Go…
Thank you for reading this article to the end – I hope you enjoyed it, and found it useful. Almost every article I post here takes a few hours of my time to research and write, and I have never felt the need to ask for anything in return.
But now – for the first, and perhaps only, time – I am asking for a favour. If you are a patent attorney, examiner, or other professional who is experienced in reading and interpreting patent claims, I could really use your help with my PhD research. My project involves applying artificial intelligence to analyse patent claim scope systematically, with the goal of better understanding how different legal and regulatory choices influence the boundaries of patent protection. But I need data to train my models, and that is where you can potentially assist me. If every qualified person who reads this request could spare just a couple of hours over the next few weeks, I could gather all the data I need.
The task itself is straightforward and web-based – I am asking participants to compare pairs of patent claims and evaluate their relative scope, using an online application that I have designed and implemented over the past few months. No special knowledge is required beyond the ability to read and understand patent claims in technical fields with which you are familiar. You might even find it to be fun!
There is more information on the project website, at claimscopeproject.net. In particular, you can read:
- a detailed description of the study, its goals and benefits; and
- instructions for the use of the online claim comparison application.
Thank you for considering this request!
Mark Summerfield
Misconducts and incompetence from IPA examiners shows that there is an urgent need for patent attorneys to work harder to protect the interests of their clients.
Strong words. Do you have any evidence to prove its or are you's a) trolling b) talking through your....well let keep it at that.
evidence? yes. you are not an attorney are you?
mark, your clients would have the evidence they need to sue the examiners for misconduct and conspiracy, not sure why they are not doing it...
Because no such evidence exists. Your comment, were it directed at any identifiable individual(s), would be defamatory. Next time, I hit "delete".
so the reason why your clients applications and numerous applications that were rejected was because the examiners have rejected the applications through the use of correct and proper legal reasoning?
If the examiners were correct (which, you and many experienced attorneys would assert they were wrong), should you have advised your clients not to waste their time and money, since they wouldn't have qualified for a patent anyway?
In my view, the examiners were either correct or incorrect, therefore it seems confusing when you have asserted that they were wrong in their interpretation of the law, but have continued to suggest that no evidence of such wrongdoings exists?
It is possible to be wrong without being engaged in 'misconduct and conspiracy', as you put it.
It is also evidently possible to be wrong, while being firmly convinced that one is absolutely right.
The Patents Act provides for appeals from decisions of the Commissioner for precisely this reason.
Some examiners have provided reasoning that are confusing and extremely problematic. However, the senior examiners that have reviewed the decisions from the examiners have acknowledged that the decisions were logical and correct.
Misconduct and conspiracy apparently exists where a group people are determined to support the kinds of dodgy reasoning and conclusions that are incomprehensible to experienced and mentally healthy inventors and attorneys (such as yourself).
Correct me if i am wrong, we have now reached an impasse where, either the dodgy examiners must be dismissed for their faults or applicants such your clients will never have their application accepted?
As you are well aware, I have been critical of the practices to which you refer. However, I accept that, even if wrong (which is for the courts, ultimately, to determine) they are within the legitimate power conferred upon the Commissioner under the Patents Act.
'Misconduct' and 'conspiracy' refer to corrupt and criminal acts. There is absolutely no evidence that any such acts have been committed, by anyone. It is, in any event, not much of a conspiracy when you can identify everyone involved, and exactly what part they have played!
You are coming across like a wailing child who has only just discovered that life is not always fair. Not a newsflash, I'm afraid.
And you are wrong. We have not reached an impasse. We have reached the point where the matter is in the hands of the courts, because people other than you have put their money where their mouths are to follow the process set out in the Act for resolving the dispute.
you seem to support the idea that large amounts of money had to be spent in order to resolve issues (possibly very simple issues) that had already been resolved either in the existing case laws or through the use of logical reasoning.
If IPA wanted the laws amended, it could have resolved these disputes directly with the federal government but instead, the IPA chose to settle their 'secrete agenda' with inventors that are already or will contribute to job and economic growth.
Didn't the courts already issued a decision in your client's favor? Your client's situation is interesting because it seems that IPA won't change its stance unless your client could somehow penalize the examiners through political intervention of some kind??
The government has, on a number of occasions, made a conscious decision to leave the development of the law relating to patent-eligible subject matter (i.e. 'manner of manufacture') in the hands of the courts. Even if IP Australia disagreed with this policy, it would be fighting an uphill battle to lobby for change.
Again you seem to appeal to an unrealistic view of 'fairness'. Who would have thought that having more money could provide access to better outcomes in a capitalist society?!
At least in Australia the cost of running the Federal Court is heavily subsidised by taxpayers (despite the fact that many of the cases it deals with relate to commercial disputes). And a successful party can also expect to receive an award of legal costs.
Spare a thought for Mr Bilski, and Australian company Alice Corporation Pty Ltd, who fought the same battle all the way to the US Supreme Court, in a vastly more expensive system, with no hope of any compensation for legal costs.
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