On 9 November 2014, Berkeley Professor of Chemistry Jennifer Doudna and her collaborator Emmanuelle Charpentier, currently at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Germany,
attended an awards ceremony at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California.
Not only did Doudna and Charpentier – dressed to the nines, and looking more like glamour queens than the usual white-coated scientist stereotype – mingle with celebrities including Benedict Cumberbatch, Cameron Diaz and Jon Hamm, while enjoying a live performance by Christina Aguilera, they also received the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in the life sciences category. The award, which was sponsored by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and other tech billionaires, included prize money of US$3 million apiece.
To put that in perspective, had the two scientists received a Nobel Prize last year, they would have shared 8,000,000 Swedish Kronor, or about US$1 million, between them. Of course, it is not all – or even mostly – about the money, and the prestige attached to a Nobel prize is undoubtedly greater. And it seems to be odds-on that the discovery for which Doudna and Charpentier received the 2015 Breakthrough Prize – and which has been called
‘the biggest biotech discovery of the century’ – will one day be the subject of a Nobel Prize as well.
All of this fuss is about a technology called CRISPR/Cas9, which is essentially a DNA ‘editing’ tool that Doudna and Charpentier developed in (around) 2012, as a result of their research into a system used by bacteria to defend themselves against viruses. Doudna has described the CRISPR/Cas9 (which stands for
associated protein
9) tool as a ‘molecular scalpel for genomes’. She and Charpentier demonstrated how it is possible to synthesise molecules, consisting of an engineered RNA and a ‘cutting’ protein, that can precisely target a short gene sequence within a genome, and slice the DNA open at that exact point.
Bacterial cells – in which the mechanism was first discovered – are simpler than the cells of higher organisms (known as
‘eukaryotic cells’). However, in January 2013, Doudna and Charpentier took the next step, successfully cutting out and replacing a selected section of DNA in human cells. In the same month, a team led by Feng Zhang at the Broad Institute, Inc and MIT reported similar success using CRISPR to edit human genes.
Which brings me to the main topic of this post. Because, while Doudna and Charpentier have been collecting the public accolades, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous, and banking the – doubtless well-deserved – proceeds of their success, it is Zhang who has been awarded the first patent on the basic CRISPR technology –
US Patent No. 8,697,359, ‘CRISPR-Cas systems and methods for altering expression of gene products’, issued on 15 April 2015. And that could ultimately be worth much more than $3 million!
This is now shaping up as a major battle over who will own the most basic, and potentially valuable, patent rights in relation to the CRISPR technology, and possibly the last great priority dispute of the ‘first-to-invent’ era of US patent law.