According to
IP Australia records, somewhere in this unprepossessing block of apartments in suburban Canberra is the Australian ‘office’ of not one, but at least 47 Chinese companies, which collectively filed 164 standard patent applications between the beginning of January and the end of April, 2019 (
link to Google Sheet with full listing). In each case, it further appears that expedited examination of the application was requested at filing. A number of the applications have already been accepted. In some cases, examination reports have been issued, and responses filed. These have generally been of high quality and, but for formalities in a couple of instances, have resulted in acceptance of the applications concerned. In no case, however, has any registered trans-Tasman patent attorney been involved. Purportedly, each response letter has been signed by an inventor on behalf of the applicant company, i.e. presumably their employer. The actual occupant of the Canberra address is a mystery – unnamed on any application, and seemingly uninvolved other than to assist the applicants in meeting the requirement, under
regulation 22.10 of the
Patents Regulations 1991 to provide an ‘address for service’ in Australia or New Zealand.
Unusual Australian patent filing behaviour by Chinese companies is nothing new. I first wrote about the phenomenon of
Chinese companies obtaining relatively large numbers of Australian innovation patents back in February 2013, a practice that – notwithstanding some
limited efforts by the Patent Office to curb abuse of the system – continues largely unabated to this day. I
recently estimated that around a quarter of all innovation patent applications filed in 2018 were made by Chinese applicants (upon further analysis, I would probably now revise that number upwards, closer to one third). It is widely believed that this behaviour is motivated by direct financial incentives provided by Chinese authorities to companies that obtain foreign patents. In this context, the Australian innovation patent has the advantages of being cheap to apply for, fast to issue, and providing an official ‘patent certificate’ upon grant that can, presumably, be used for the purposes of claiming the Chinese government hand-outs.
These latest applications are something different, however. First and foremost, they are for
standard patents, for which no certificate will issue until and unless the applications pass substantive examination (and the opposition period). They all claim priority from earlier Chinese national patent applications which were, in most cases, filed only shortly before the corresponding Australian applications (and certainly well within the 12-month period allowed under the Paris Convention). And, as I have already noted, it appears that expedited examination has been requested in each case, with the applicants having a genuine intention of securing a granted Australian patent, even where objections have been raised by the examiner.
In short, these Chinese applicants are not looking merely to obtain an official patent certificate by any means available, at the lowest possible cost. Rather, they are seeking enforceable patent rights, and in doing so they are willing to incur the additional costs of examination fees, acceptance fees, and dealing with any examination objections that may arise.
Even so, these companies do not appear to be willing to incur the costs associated with engaging Australian patent attorneys to assist them in applying for or obtaining patents. This naturally raises the question of whether this is a problem for the applicants, for the occupant of that Canberra apartment, or for anybody else who might be involved in these filings?