As the Minister's Media Release puts it:
Four new world-class research centres are being established to help prevent mental illness in young Australians, transform our pork industry, improve our environment and treat Alzheimer’s disease.
More precisely, two existing CRCs and two new CRCs have received funding totaling around A$100 million, these being:
- CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork (A$20m), to 'support our pork producers and regional Australia to maintain local production of high quality food at affordable prices, while improving pig welfare';
- CRC for Young People, Technology and Wellbeing (A$27m), to 'study how technology can help prevent and treat mental illness in our youth';
- CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (A$29m), to 'develop solutions to overcome and prevent contamination of soil, water and air to improve our environment'; and
- CRC for Mental Health (A$23m), to 'develop better diagnostic tools for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Schizophrenia and contribute to better treatment'.
As the Government's CRC web site explains:
A CRC is an incorporated or unincorporated organisation, formed through collaborative partnerships between publicly funded researchers and end users. CRCs must comprise at least one Australian end-user (either from the private, public or community sector) and one Australian higher education institution (or research institute affiliated with a university).
The CRC Program provides funding to build critical mass in research ventures between end-users and researchers which tackle clearly-articulated, major challenges for the end-users.
The CRC Program commenced under the Hawke/Keating Labor Government in 1991, and selection rounds were conducted in March 1991, December 1991, December 1992, December 1994, and then at regular two year intervals: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006. Following a review of the Program in 2008, the 11th Selection Round and 12th Selection Round were both held in 2009 and annual selection rounds are now conducted.
Minister Carr has also announced the 14th Selection Round, with encouragement of centres in the areas of clean manufacturing, social innovation and sustainable regional communities.
Our congratulations to the successful candidates!
Before You Go…
Thank you for reading this article to the end – I hope you enjoyed it, and found it useful. Almost every article I post here takes a few hours of my time to research and write, and I have never felt the need to ask for anything in return.
But now – for the first, and perhaps only, time – I am asking for a favour. If you are a patent attorney, examiner, or other professional who is experienced in reading and interpreting patent claims, I could really use your help with my PhD research. My project involves applying artificial intelligence to analyse patent claim scope systematically, with the goal of better understanding how different legal and regulatory choices influence the boundaries of patent protection. But I need data to train my models, and that is where you can potentially assist me. If every qualified person who reads this request could spare just a couple of hours over the next few weeks, I could gather all the data I need.
The task itself is straightforward and web-based – I am asking participants to compare pairs of patent claims and evaluate their relative scope, using an online application that I have designed and implemented over the past few months. No special knowledge is required beyond the ability to read and understand patent claims in technical fields with which you are familiar. You might even find it to be fun!
There is more information on the project website, at claimscopeproject.net. In particular, you can read:
- a detailed description of the study, its goals and benefits; and
- instructions for the use of the online claim comparison application.
Thank you for considering this request!
Mark Summerfield
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