The fact of the matter is that, even trying to set aside our own Australian bias, Mullin’s article is a nasty piece, replete with snide insinuations giving the overall impression that CSIRO is some sort of patent troll with diplomatic connections, seeking to extract a ‘tax’ on behalf of a foreign government, from hard-working US companies and consumers, on the basis of a patent of dubious merit.
Since every part of this characterisation of CSIRO’s position is demonstrably false, we can only conclude that Mullin’s piece is an appallingly poor example of journalism. And we are not alone in this view. The article received so many negative comments that Mullin felt compelled to post a ‘justification’ addressing the criticisms (Responses and clarifications on the CSIRO patent lawsuits).
Of course, Mullin does not concede that he might have been unfair, or got anything wrong. But we think he was, and he did. Here are our top five reasons – in no particular order – why Mullin’s article, and his subsequent ‘justification’, are deserving of strong criticism.
Mullin seems particularly upset about the fact that the CSIRO, and the Australian Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills Science and Research, have issued statements to the press praising the quality and significance of the Australian research behind the WLAN patent.It is hardly news that politicians like to put a positive spin on things. Therefore, it should come as a surprise to nobody that an Australian minister would wish to bask in the success of Australian scientists. Hyperbole is par for the course, and criticism of politicians and management who may have overstated their case is perfectly legitimate.
But this has nothing to do with the validity of the patent, the legitimacy of CSIRO’s legal claims, or the reasonableness of the settlement terms. As such it is largely irrelevant to the main thrust of Mullins’s argument.
Still, this does not prevent him from raising a little nationalist fervour of his own. It starts with the provocative title of his article, complete with scare-quotes around the phrase ‘invented WiFi’. The first word of the article is ‘US’, leading the opening sentences:
US consumers will be making a multimillion dollar donation to an Australian government agency in the near future, whether they like it or not. The great majority won't even know about it—the fee will be hidden within the cost of a huge array of tech products.
There is a strong implication in what follows-on that CSIRO is some kind of shadowy arm of the Australian government:
Haven't heard of CSIRO? It's no mistake. While the organization has been eager to brag to the Australian press about its big-money exploits in US courts, CSIRO has been circumspect about its lawsuits in the US. When it began its litigation campaign in 2005, CSIRO considered filing under the name "Government of Australia" but decided that would be "too provocative," according to a cable about the issue published by WikiLeaks.
Setting aside for one moment the fact that privately-held organisations do not generally have to worry about their confidential litigation strategy discussions being revealed by WikiLeaks, there is another part of that cable which Mullin conveniently does not quote:
CSIRO is independent under a 1949 law, as amended in 2007. Because it is a government entity, the Minister for Science could order CSIRO to do something, but such instances are relatively rare. The last "ministerial direction" to CSIRO (i.e., a direct order) was in 2001.
[CSIRO Business Services Chief of Staff Jack] Steele noted that the difference in the size of the U.S. and Australian markets demands a different approach to licensing inventions derived from federal-government backed research entities. Most of the benefits of a CSIRO-sponsored invention will actually accrue in the United States (population 300 million) and elsewhere rather than in Australia (20 million), so licensing patents rather than making them freely available is a way of capturing some of the benefits back for the Australian taxpayer.
Mullin’s objections to the ‘national pride’ angle are pure hypocrisy. It is a case of ‘when I do it, it’s patriotism; when you do it, it’s nationalism; when they do it, it’s fundamentalism.’ Why someone from a nation with over ten times the population of Australia, which is constantly extolling its virtues to the world, should feel quite so outraged by a little bit of foreign political spin is something of a mystery.
Mullin has this to say of CSIRO’s initial attempt to commercialise its WLAN technology via licensing to startup company Radiata:The closest thing CSIRO ever had to a commercial product was a "demonstration chipset" produced by Radiata, an Australian wireless company formed by ex-CSIRO employees. Radiata was acquired by Cisco in 2000 for $295 million but turned out to be a dot-com era boondoggle. Its products weren't successful. Cisco ultimately took a large write-down on the value of the Radiata acquisition.
In fact, as anybody who has ever been involved in a tech startup knows (and we have worked for two of them), Radiata was, by any measure, a great success.
As we wrote in our earlier article, little more than one year prior to the Cisco acquisition, investors valued Radiata at around one tenth of the eventual purchase price. The difference was that in the intervening period Radiata turned its intellectual property into an actual working chip operating at 54 Mb/s, i.e. the same rate that many WiFi networks achieve in practice to this day. For the Radiata owners and investors, a US$295 million sale to Cisco Systems represented a successful exit.
Cisco – like the majority of other networking companies – was hit hard by the massive telecoms crash of 2001. The repercussions of this market collapse are with us to this day. We now have Alcatel-Lucent, instead of Alcatel and Lucent, Nokia-Siemens, instead of Nokia and Siemens, telecoms pioneer Marconi is no more, acquired and absorbed by Ericsson and, most spectacularly of all, Canadian networking giant Nortel never recovered, declaring bankruptcy in 2009, and famously auctioning a large portion of its patent portfolio (including all of its wireless patents) in 2011.
So in 2001 Cisco had to make a number of tough business decisions, and the Radiata write-down was just one of them. Radiata was a victim of history, not of any lack of technical merit. There just was not – yet – a sufficient market for its technology. That was to come a couple of years later.
Nowhere in his article does Mullin actually call CSIRO a patent troll. But he implies it fairly strongly:A few years after the Radiata venture, CSIRO officials knew they had no footing in the actual market of wireless products. Yet, they recognized there was still an area they could pursue to get a second chance to make money off their invention: threatening companies with patent lawsuits in far-off US courts. It was a practice rapidly becoming an industry of its own. In 2003 and 2004, the organization sent letters to 28 different wireless companies asking for money but was rebuffed by all of them. In 2005, CSIRO picked a "test case" against a small Japanese company called Buffalo Technology. Buffalo wasn't like US tech heavyweights, already used to dealing with a barrage of patent litigation. Instead, Buffalo stood out for its impertinence. CSIRO official Nigel Poole said the company had practically "picked itself" as the first victim by accusing CSIRO of being "swindlers." Even if other companies had thought it, Buffalo said it.
The case was filed in the Eastern District of Texas. Advantage: patent-holders. Buffalo asked to change venues, but Judge Leonard Davis (who has overseen all the CSIRO lawsuits) wouldn't allow a move. The Buffalo case didn't even get to a jury. Davis ruled on summary judgment that the company had infringed CSIRO's patents.
This is disingenuous in the extreme. As Mullin is surely aware, an organisation like CSIRO will never have its own product in the marketplace. Research institutions will seek to commercialise their inventions where possible via various forms of technology transfer arrangement. This may involve licensing the technology to a startup (like Radiata), spinning-off a company to which the IP is assigned, and/or licensing or selling the IP to one or more established companies in the market (like Cisco).
This is exactly what CSIRO did, or attempted to do in good faith, on all three counts.
Research organisations are natural ‘non-practising entities’ (NPE’s). But since they develop technology themselves they are – unlike true patent ‘trolls’ – net contributors to the store of human knowledge and capability. To give a US-based example, according to its 2011FY Technology Transfer Report, the University of California system:
- expended nearly US$5 billion in research funds;
- generated 1,581 invention disclosures;
- filed 1,285 patent applications;
- received 343 US patents and 364 foreign patents;
- had 1,477 utility patent licenses active;
- received US$202.4 million in licensing income; and
- formed 58 new startup companies.
Notwithstanding the fact the CSIRO WLAN patent passed examination at the USPTO, and survived three re-examination requests (the control numbers are 90/010,367, 90/010,950 and 90/011,331, if you wish to look them up via the USPTO Public PAIR system), Mullin’s article pushes the defendants’ line that CSIRO did not invent any of the individual elements of the invention, and that the claimed combination must be obvious.Of course, most inventions are combinations of known elements. That tends to be, for the most part, how advances in technology are made. But this is not enough by itself to establish obviousness under the patent laws.
Mullin is correct that defendants settle litigation all the time for practical reasons, and that this is not proof of the validity of the applicants’ claims. However, he suggests in his ‘justification’ that some of the world’s biggest tech companies would settle for tens of millions of dollars each, rather than proceed with a $4-5 million patent case, despite believing the patent to be invalid. That seems pretty implausible, when you do the sums!
But it really does not matter, because the bottom line is this: under 35 USC 282 a US patent is presumed valid. And, as recently confirmed by the Supreme Court in Microsoft v i4i Limited Partnership, invalidity must be shown by ‘clear and convincing evidence’. Rightly or wrongly, that is the law which applies to everyone. To sit on the sidelines passing judgement on the validity of issued US patents is therefore as futile an exercise as tilting at windmills.
Mullin refers in his article, and in his ‘justification’, to the IEEE standards-setting process which resulted in the 802.11a/g standards to which the CSIRO WLAN patent is essential.He says in the main article that:
The IEEE considered many proposals, ultimately adopting a proposal by Lucent and NTT for 802.11a. Hitoshi Takanashi, CEO of NTT, testified that not only did his company not steal CSIRO's idea back in 1997, he'd never even heard of the organization. Stephen Saltzman, an Intel Capital official testifying at trial, said that outside of Radiata and its ex-CSIRO employees, engineers didn't take the idea of a brand-new WiFi patent describing CSIRO's techniques that seriously.
Both of these points are irrelevant. It does not matter that a Japanese company had not heard of CSIRO in 1997, or that it ultimately developed a similar solution independently. Unlike copyright infringement, the presence or absence of actual copying is not an element of patent infringement.
In the ‘justification’ piece Mullin acknowledges that CSIRO notified the IEEE committee of its patent, but says:
That doesn't change the fact that CSIRO was not substantively involved in the creation of the 802.11 standards.
Anyone interested in getting into this further should take a look at the testimony and cross-examination of Albert Petrick and Matthew Shoemake, both of whom were extensively involved in the IEEE standard-setting process. They testified at the 2009 trial; as did Hitoshi Takanashi, who submitted the proposal for 802.11a that was eventually adopted.
The testimony confirms Mullin’s claim – neither CSIRO nor Radiata submitted proposals to the IEEE 802.11 standards committee. But this is a complete red herring. No company or organisation is obliged to push its own technology to any standard-setting body. Conversely, no standards committee is required to reject a proposal merely because it may be covered by IP rights owned by a non-participating party.
There was nothing untoward about the way in which the IEEE 802.11 standards were set, or in CSIRO’s conduct in relation to that process. However, if Mullin thinks there is a problem with this, he might want to take a closer look at Apple’s conduct in relation to the W3C ‘touch events’ standard, as explained by his Ars Technica colleague Peter Bright.
Nothing that Mullin might say now will alter the fact that his original article was a tawdry piece, which relied on base appeals to US nationalism and a general opposition to technology patents to support a dishonest, biased attack on CSIRO.In the end, if CSIRO’s claims that its licenses now cover 90% of all WiFi devices produced are correct, the amount it has received is not at all unreasonable. Under half a billion dollars in exchange of 90% of over three billion devices sold to date amounts to around 18 cents royalty for each device. Of course this is far less than the $4 figure that CSIRO reportedly requested initially, but nobody familiar with the concept of a ‘license negotiation’ will be surprised by this.
That the patent has survived, and that CSIRO stood its ground despite the wealth and power of its opponents, and the nastiness of its critics, is something of which it can be duly proud.
Before You Go…
Thank you for reading this article to the end – I hope you enjoyed it, and found it useful. Almost every article I post here takes a few hours of my time to research and write, and I have never felt the need to ask for anything in return.
But now – for the first, and perhaps only, time – I am asking for a favour. If you are a patent attorney, examiner, or other professional who is experienced in reading and interpreting patent claims, I could really use your help with my PhD research. My project involves applying artificial intelligence to analyse patent claim scope systematically, with the goal of better understanding how different legal and regulatory choices influence the boundaries of patent protection. But I need data to train my models, and that is where you can potentially assist me. If every qualified person who reads this request could spare just a couple of hours over the next few weeks, I could gather all the data I need.
The task itself is straightforward and web-based – I am asking participants to compare pairs of patent claims and evaluate their relative scope, using an online application that I have designed and implemented over the past few months. No special knowledge is required beyond the ability to read and understand patent claims in technical fields with which you are familiar. You might even find it to be fun!
There is more information on the project website, at In particular, you can read:
- a detailed description of the study, its goals and benefits; and
- instructions for the use of the online claim comparison application.
Thank you for considering this request!
Mark Summerfield
So by your own writing, CSIRO did not bring the technology to market or help anyone else bring that technology to market. They did nothing to further this technology for the greater good apart from submit a patent application and then when the time was right act upon that patent.
Its not about nationalism, its about two facts:
Firstly, technically all they did was stand on the shoulders of others. These are relatively well known technologies that are used together, and frankly its not exactly rocket science or anything that a decent body of engineers wouldn't come up with independently. The fact that they don't bring it to market is they did not bring to market or help bring to market what we widely accept as WiFi is by the by - the market of an invention for the inventor is something that the patent system was designed to protect.
Secondly, its not nationalism, its a clean indication that there is something wrong with the US patent system when an organisation or individual can sit on a portfolio of technology patents drawing together a number of technologies and presenting it as ones own, and that no one dares contest because its easier to give in.
I do not consider that to be a fair assessment of the situation. And since I have already written over 4000 words on the subject, I think it likely that we will just have to agree to disagree. I would comment, however, that if it is indeed true that others spent time and effort independently developing similar solutions after CSIRO's patent was already filed and granted, then a lot of corporate R&D resources were wasted when a simple patent search would have produced the answer. CSIRO made it easy enough, entitling their patent 'Wireless LAN'.
Yes I think so.
Anyway I am of to write some software, hopefully I don't infringe too many patents whilst doing so.
Even if the Ars article *was* accurate, it's still dripping with sensationalism and bias while lacking the in-depth technical analysis Ars was once known for. Patent trolling seems to be one of their sole focuses today. It appears Ars' Editor in Chief, Ken Fisher, as some pretty warped ideas about what exactly patent trolling is (judging by some of the comments he made in response to Mullin's followup article).
hopefully you would not copy someone's else's invention and pretend that you came up with the ideas independently and then complain to the courts how stupid software patents are....
Radiata was a failure. I stopped reading once you trued to turn that turd into some great Australian start-up story. That's a joke. As a rebuttal, there's not much here. You take one said, Mullin takes another. You don't disprove anything he wrote actually.
Stopped reading, yet still somehow made it down to the comments? Huh.
It is certainly true, however, that there is more than one definition of 'success'. I worked in two startups in the late 90's and early 00's, both of which brought products to market (one is still doing so), but neither of which returned anything like the amount invested in them to the early-stage investors. Success or failure? Depends whether you are an engineer or a VC, I guess. But nobody really wants to be part of an enterprise that just limps along for years, never delivering on its early promise. None of the founders, or early employees, are still with the operating company. And employee stock options were diluted so many times, they eventually just found a way to dissolve them altogether.
There were certainly criticisms of the Radiata sale in Australia, especially after Cisco buried it. There had been higher offers on the table, but Radiata went with Cisco because of the existing relationship, and because it was believed that Cisco was best-placed to take the technology forward to market.
This obviously did not happen, and in that sense the company failed. But that does not change the fact that a number of suitors did their due diligence and decided in 2000 that they were willing to offer amounts which, at the prevailing exchange rate, were equivalent to well over half a billion Australian dollars. As an exit from the startup phase, that represents an unqualified success.
I have worked for over 20 years in telecoms research (academic and industrial R&D), commercialisation, technology transfer and intellectual property management. I understand first-hand the political, commercial and economic realities faced by entrepreneurs trying to commercialise technologies in Australia. I experienced the telecoms crash of 2001 from the inside (amongst other things, it resulted in my wife's retrenchment from Fujitsu). And I appreciate that CSIRO faces unique challenges because of its status as a government-owned entity, and the competing interests it therefore has to balance.
I realise that actual knowledge and experience may not count for much on the interwebs, where one opinion is pretty much as good as another, depending on whether it reinforces or contradicts the readers' pre-existing views.
So you are free to make up your own mind, but I still say Mullin is talking out of his Ars Technica!
In Europe software patents a being award by those with no technical understanding around inventions that have been public domain to un-deserved entities.
These "inventions" are often no more than common design patterns used in software development and/or implementation.
Shopping carts, creditcard ordering, previewing of images, order fulfillment are examples of these and something that most modern users of computers with an internet connection have used.
So its a great shame that as a developer I have to spend time with issues of patents (licensing is different matter) instead of helping to solve peoples needs directly.
no. i think what happens is that copycats steal ideas from published patents/patent applications. these copycats are typically very resourceful and well connected and they tirelessly spy on their competitors and potential competitors. they then turn the ideas into successful products because they know the ideas have good economic potential. the copycats would do anything to discredit the inventions eg, by fabricating bogus research papers, putting bogus dates on their websites and products...etc..etc...but no patents were filed.
the funny thing is that some judges and patent examiners actually believe these bogus evidence or perhaps they receive monetary rewards from copycats..who knows...
i not sure if you really understand how bad IP theft is in the real world.
Interesting article. And one which raises the question of what will happen in the future when non-US patent holders win big judgements against US companies. There has been plenty of judgements going the other way, but watch the politics when the worm starts to turn.
Indeed. It is surely only a matter of time before Huawei, ZTE, or another major Chinese company has a big US patent win. They are certainly filing enough patent applications!
I understand all too well having created much IP, software and content (including working with publishing thousands of images, video and audio tracks), and having had some of it copied or passed off on my own, and indeed gone through legal proceedings because of it.
Yes there are many companies that are creating copies of original products and inventions, but there are also cases of companies having portfolios of ambiguous patents as well or registering for technology that they haven't invented. Anyway why are you not using your real name?
There are many reasons why people may desire anonymity on the internet. So long as discussion remains civil, and reasonably on-topic, there should be no objections to anyone choosing not to reveal their identity.
Readers should know that this blog welcomes all genuine comments, regardless of who writes them, and whether they choose to identify themselves. The choice to remain anonymous, for whatever reason, will be respected here.
I find it amazing that people are so fixated on CSIRO not making a real product, and overlook the fact that their technology (funded by Aussie tax payers) means your iPhone can download Angry Birds while inside your house.
Let's be honest, the IEEE included it in the standard despite it being patented because there weren't any better, free alternatives.
The saddest part of this whole thing, is that it got through Ars' editorial process. It was truly an article worthy of someone like Andrew Bolt.
I do not think it just 'got through' Ars' editorial process, it was waved through with only the most cursory glance at its credentials!
See the following comments from Ars' Editor in Chief, Ken Fisher, in the discussion on Mullin's response piece:
Not only did I really appreciate Joe's original report, but I even more strongly appreciate his follow-up. (
The American consumer is a major target of this patent troll. (Note that Joe never called them Patent Trolls, but I am calling them patent trolls all day long. Cheers). (
When there is no desire for balance or objectivity at the highest editorial level, there is little chance of it existing amongst the writers. You have to be concerned for any young reporters who are learning the ropes in this environment.
After reading your second last paragraph again, I decided to take a quick look at the CSIRO Wikipedia article. It appears that Wikipedia now also says that CSIRO is a patent troll (notably most of the recent edits were made by an anonymous contributor), with links to both the Ars Technica and delimiter articles:
Well, if it's in Wikipedia, then it must be true! :)
But looking at the article talk, it does not seem likely that it will stay as it is for long, although it certainly appears that some 'editors' are just using the discussion as yet another forum in which to express their uninformed opinions.
In other words, business-as-usual over at Wikipedia...
I just started looking more deeply into Ars Technica. I used to be very impressed by the site. Now, I find myself questioning every post they put up. They seem actively opposed to the patent wars, and patents in general for software/computers, which is why this story got posted by them. However, if it was Apple who had patented the Wireless LAN technology, Ars would back them 150%, and the piece that was written would be a 180 degree turn around. That level of hypocrisy I also find very concerning, and am slowly loosing my interest in reading more from Ars. Thank you for this interesting post which allowed me to compare both sides of the story and come to my own conclusion on the matter. Sadly, that conclusion further paints Ars in a bad light.
Thanks for your comment, Jason, and thanks for reading!
With Patentology, I aim to educate, inform and provoke thought and discussion about issues relating to patents, innovation, technology and policy, so it is always pleasing to receive feedback that I am achieving this, in some small way!
There is clearly a lot of ill-informed commentary and misinformation around, about how the patent system works, and its impact on innovation. It is no secret that my position is generally pro-patent, though I am happy to speak out against the less defensible excesses of the system, and some of its users and proponents!
People may read what I have to say, and still disagree with me. That is absolutely fine. At least they are making a more informed decision about where they stand on some genuinely contentious issues.
As you say, I am not sure that you can get that from Ars Technica when it comes to patents. However, I am sure that there are many technology topics that they cover very well.
Cheers, Mark.
Ars Technica is an Apple fan site.
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